Colours and Backgrounds 2 - Adam's HTML Planet - Tutorials and Tips on how to create websites using HTML
Colours and
Part 2
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Now we'll look at how to use an image as a background for your page.

  1. background image file Right-click on this image and save it in the same folder as your htm files.
  2. Open [in your text editor] the file you were working on in the previous tutorial [colours.htm if you used my suggested name].
  3. Look at the <BODY> tag below and make the necessary additions to your file.
  4. Save the file [suggested name bground.htm]. Don't forget to save the file with the extension .htm [or .html].
  5. Open the file in your browser.

an example

You'll have noticed that the image tiled to fit the entire window. therefore, you have to be quite choosy about the images you use for a background. If it's too heavily patterned or too close to the colour of the text on the page your content will not be seen. Also, you've got to be aware that large graphics will slow the downloading of your page - possibly to the point when they'll hit the STOP button and move on elsewhere. I don't know about you but I tend not to hang around too long waiting for a page to download unless I'm 100% positive that it's going to be worth it. So, bear it mind when choosing a graphic for your site. This applies equally to any graphic elements to your web pages - more about those later in the series.

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